expert advice, skincare 6 (common) skincare mistakes you don’t want to make

You’re probably guilty of one or two of these. But don’t worry. So are we. And that’s why we’re here to once and for all set the record straight.

Skincare’s a jungle. You’ve (most likely) heard that before. 

And we’re super guilty of saying it all the time. But we only do it because it’s true. 

It’s so easy to get lost in the do’s and don’ts, the trends, and the myths. And therefore also very easy to make a lot of mistakes (we’ve all been there). 

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the 6 most common skincare mistakes we see our users (accidentally) do.

#1 - Trying multiple new products at the same time

We get it.. Wanting to apply all of your new (skincare) products at once is tempting. However, introducing new skincare products to your skin may cause purging.

Purging is completely normal (but super-damn-annoying nonetheless). Purging is just your skin renewing quicker than it would on its own (thanks to the active ingredients in your skincare) and it may show in the form of breakouts.  

If you introduce several new products to your skin at once, you have no chance of identifying which products are wreaking havoc on your skin. Also, you don’t know if it’s caused by conflicting ingredient interactions.

And a last note on this: Conflicting ingredients is something that you should be especially aware of if you’re introducing multiple products from multiple brands. Normally products from the same brand and range have ensured that conflicting ingredients aren’t present. Mixing brands isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just remember to read the ingredients list. 

#2 - Forgetting your neck 

Don’t skip neck day! Oh, wait.. Hehe. 

Jokes aside, your neck deserves a lot of love. Almost just as much as your face. Almost.

Because the skin on your neck has the same sensitivity as the skin of your face. Your neck is just as exposed to the sun, weather and other environmental factors as your face (unless you’re a “I’m-wearing-a-scarf-365-days-a-year” kind of type). 

It also means that the skin ages in the same way as the skin on your face - only quicker if you don’t show it some love. 

#3 - Not wearing sunscreen daily


You wouldn’t dare... would you? 

We’ll say it over and over (and then one more time): You should wear sunscreen each and every day. It’s the best way to protect your skin. 

And no, the cloudy days are not “yay-I-don’t-have-to-wear-sunscreen-today”-days. UVB rays don't give a ‘insert preferred swear word’ about clouds.

#4 - Over-cleansing and over-exfoliating

Getting rid of dirt and the skin’s natural oil (sebum) is key to healthy skin. 

And how do you do that? Cleansing and exfoliation. However, when overly cleansing or exfoliating, you’re at risk of doing more damage than good to your skin. 

When the skin is totally stripped of its natural oils, its protective barrier is compromised and the skin’s exposed to bacteria. Also, it increases the chances of potentially getting dry and red skin. 

#5 - Using too many active ingredients

Not all ingredients are friends (sadly).

And if you use too many active ingredients at the same time, there’s a real risk that some of them aren’t BFFs. 

When the ingredients aren’t good together, they conflict. And there’s a chance you’ll actually end up worsening your skin, even though you apply very effective ingredients. You may even end up with new problems. 

#6 - Being impatient

Soooo, our guess is that 99% of us are guilty of this one.

Nevertheless, your skin needs time to adjust to your skincare products (and studying your face in the mirror 5 times today won’t speed it up, sadly). 

For some people, change happens in a matter of days (lucky ones). 

For others, it’s a matter of months. 

Stay strong, have patience - results will come. 

And remember: If you’re using our products, our Skin Improvement Guarantee has your back.

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